Carolyn Salas and Melissa Gerstle Design
Kips Bay Decorator Show House in Dallas
Melissa Gerstle Design approached Lea Weingarten to curate a large-scale outdoor artwork for the Kips Bay Decorator Show House landscape. weingarten offered options based on Gerstle’s design directive, and the two worked closely together to select an appropriate piece. Upon viewing “Gone,” a striking figurative sculpture by Carolyn Salas, Gerstle imagined that the heroine of the sculpture was leaving chaos and seeking a place of solitude. The area Gerstle designed welcomes her; hence the title, “The Garden Arrival.”
Surrounded by a 10′ high hedge that creates a sanctuary for the viewer and the heroine of the sculpture, Gerstle placed the sculpture in an elliptical bed of densely planted Ardisia encircled by stone. Salas’ artwork can be viewed from various angles in multiple seating areas throughout the space, which includes a terrazzo coffee table Melissa Gerstle designed.
Here’s an exclusive look at the 2023 Kips Bay Decorator Show House in Dallas